In a related story, Motel6 now has shampoo. Las Vegas mogul Steve Wynn has announced plans for anew hotel forty-six stories high set on a seventeenacre island in the middle of a fifty acre artificiallake on the Las Vegas strip. New York City doormanLenny Ladenhoff nearly fell over from shock whenPrincess Diana confided to him that she was feelinghorny … and invited him to drop by her hotel suiteThursday evening. To discourage worship of the Dalai Lama, the Chinesegovernment has banned all photos of the exiled Tibetanleader, except for this photo from the 70’s. Ted Kennedy - One Wife at a Time….Īl Franken: Yeah, but, uh, remember, Norm,there’s still two and a half weeks left in thecampaign. This is one of Kennedy’s attack ads onRomney.Īnnouncer V/O: Mormonprophet Brigham Young believed that a man ought tohave as many wives as he wants. …And it’s really become a no-holds barred contest. Yeah, that wastough.Īl Franken: It’s a tough year. … Twoyears later, Kennedy passes out on the floor of theSenate, soiling himself in the process. … On February 8th, 1983, Kennedy relieveshimself on the leg of a Georgetown waitress. Watch.Īnnouncer V/O: On October 14th, 1978, TedKennedy is seen puking in the parking lot of the U.S.Capitol. Now, takefor example, Massachusetts whereSenate challenger Mitt Romney is spending millions ofdollars on attack ads like this one. I’ve been coveringpolitics for a long time and this is, without a doubt,the most mean-spirited year I’ve ever seen. This appears to bethe roughest campaign year ever.Īl Franken: Oh, yeah. Norm MacDonald: Any general trends seem to beemerging?Īl Franken: Uh, yes, Norm. Norm MacDonald: Now, Al, uh, you’ve beencovering these midterm races?
#Hans and franz saturday night live update
Norm MacDonald: Well, now that Election Day isjust two weeks away, here, with his report on Campaign’94, Weekend Update political correspondent AlFranken. The visit, which will last for two weeks, isexpected to have absolutely no effect on anythingwhatsoever. Queen Elizabeth II visited Russia this week, becomingthe first English monarch to set foot in the SovietUnion. The book is entitled God Himself Told MeThat O.
#Hans and franz saturday night live series
And the Pope came out with a book this week whichcontains a series of essays examining faith andmorality in today’s secular world and the changingrole of the Catholic Church as it approaches the 21stcentury.