Basically good work here from the technical side and a sure must for every pinball fan. The controls are accurate - you can even push the table from different sides (don't overdo it or you'll TILT it). Still enough to have a lot of fun with this. Gameplay itself is not quite as good as the graphics if you ask me - it's still good, but not good enough to beat the really big pinball games. The sound is also nice, some digitized speech in the beginning. You play on a billard themed table that simply looks great (thinking of the time it was made). This game recreates a great 'realistic' pinball atmosphere. Add some happy nonsense music to it and you got it. PLOCK - *click* *clickaclick* The typical sounds of a pinball machine. You're located in category: Game Downloads - Abandonware - PC - Arcade action - Games E
Full Tilt Pinball Mac Download Software.To date, Macintosh Repository served 1290281 old Mac files, totaling more than 248501.9GB! Downloads last 24h = 777: 169375.2MB Last 5000 friend visitors from all. Download Full Tilt! Pinball (Space Cadet, Skulduggery, Dragon's Keep) for Mac. Full Tilt only includes three pinball games, one of which, Space Cadet, was first included in the Plus! Pack for Windows 95. A few minor things on the con side though.

Like similar pinball sims, FT includes an extensive multiball, good sound, and little clips related to events in the game.